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The Art of Improvisation!

Updated: Apr 3, 2019


Video Length: 1:56 min

In 1918, after their release from British jails, the surviving rebels of the 1916 Irish Easter Rising, concentrated on fighting battles in an unconventional manner. The man who developed the tactics, collected the intelligence and who designed the strategy was Michael Collins. This scene from the 1996 Liam Neeson movie, entitled "Michael Collins", highlights the importance of doing what you can, with what you have, where you are. The rebels need weapons, ammo, money and a plan. They need to be cautious in their attacks and focus on enhancing their position. This was one simple method of improvisation and getting the upper hand on a better armed, better trained, and better informed opponent.

Description & Discussion:

The intent is to get resources to carry the battle to the enemy. We must use the angles, allies and advantages at our disposal not what we wish for. The importance of discipline is stressed at the end. They were to use what they acquired to get more of the same.

Decision, Design & Discipline:

I've never forgotten to take account of what I had, what I could do with it and where to best apply it. More importantly, look at the environment you are in, what do the atmospherics tell you you’re going to need.? Ask early, often and be specific about your current needs as you weigh them again perceived future needs.

Look at your people, your resources and your mission. Where can they best be applied to move your mission forward? How can you improvise with what you have to gain leverage? What is not being considered because it’s never been done that way before?

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